How Much Wood did the Woodpecker Peck? I have no idea!

I have been serving the Lord for over 17 years now and my life is blessed. God has been my best friend and He has taught me so much. Every day I get up and think to myself, Ok Lord, what are we going to do today. What will you teach me today? This morning while out walking, I saw not one but two red headed woodpeckers. The sound of the pounding wood was so loud I thought it was the nail guns of the construction workers building the new house behind me. I looked up into a tall pine tree that is deeply rooted in the creek beside our house and saw them, two of God’s creations. They were at the same level on either side of the tree, each one pecking away. I just stood in awe at these two magnificent creatures working relentlessly on the job at hand. I smiled and walked away and thanked God for this glimpse into His creation. As I continued on my walk I kept thinking about the woodpeckers and how their work was steady. I thought about the end result, did they find bugs to eat, or to feed their family? Were they working to build a new home? I thought about myself and how I can get so easily discouraged at times. My favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me”. It has been my motto for life since I gave my heart to the Lord almost 18 years ago. I can’t imagine getting through the struggles of life without Him, heck I can’t even get through day to day life without Him. The woodpeckers reminded me, don’t give up. A thousand mile journey starts with just one step. If I take a step back, take a deep breath in, focus on God and His plan, not my own, I can do it. The woodpeckers didn’t get what they wanted after a few seconds. It took time, and diligence, and perseverance. I will not give up today. 


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