Dating Chronicles: A Few Good Men

Welcome to the Dating Chronicles. If this blog is new to you, welcome... and thank you for joining me on this crazy journey of life. Mixed in between heartfelt posts about serving God, family life and my journey from married to divorced (after 20 years) are some comedic relief posts about my dating journey that I've dubbed the "Dating Chronicles". 

Thus far I've only blogged about the "funny" ones and the ones that you just can't make up - but - after several readers have reached out trying to "hook" me up with their definition of a "good" man... hahahaha - I decided it was time to share a blog about some of the good ones. I really have met some kind and wonderful men along the way... unfortunately there just wasn't any chemistry there and for this chic - that is a must!

I remember one night in particular where my date picked me up at my house. He insisted on picking me up and coming to the door to get me. He had flowers in hand and was dressed really nice. He opened the car door for me and when I got inside it looked and smelled as if he had just had it detailed. Before he left my driveway he asked what kind of music I liked and then created a brief playlist of the songs I liked. This may seem a tad over the top, but honestly, I thought it was a sweet gesture. I like pretty much all music, but there is some that I really don't like and if forced to listen to it... it puts me in a mood. LOL

When we arrived to the restaurant he had made reservations so we didn't have to wait. Dinner was amazing, conversation was great. Unlike some of the other dates I've had, he didn't fart, talk about himself the entire time, brag about all of his accomplishments or ask me uncomfortable questions. He didn't make any rude comments, he didn't use swear words as adjectives and his confidence shined through. He was genuinely a nice guy.

At the end of the night he took me home. Walked me to my door, gave me a hug and said I'll call you tomorrow. And - he did! Haha... he didn't ghost me. He was very mature and as much as I wanted to "like" him - I just didn't. There wasn't any chemistry there. I did give it a few more tries... just to see if a spark would ignite. It didn't. I was honest and told him how much I thought of him and that I wasn't feeling the romantic connection and he confessed he was disappointed but that he understood and would absolutely like to remain friends. And - we have - for over a year now! 

Hold your thoughts... it hasn't been an entire year since I went out with a nice guy... but he stuck out because we have remained such good friends. 

There have been many dates that have included picking me up, flowers, nice dinners and great conversation. These men have been absolute gentlemen and I can't say anything negative about them... the only downfall is that there wasn't any romantic chemistry. I don't know about you... but I need it! I need to feel chemistry. Physical touch is one of my love languages so if I can't feel myself comfortable cuddled up in someone's arms while watching a movie, holding hands while taking a walk or Uh-hemmm... ya know (wink) then sorry fellas you're not the one. 

If you have read any of my previous blogs, you probably see why I haven't written about the "nice" guys. The story isn't quite as colorful. Hahahaha! However, comments on my previous blogs and messages were filling up with  questions like:

Where are you finding these men?

Amy, can I please introduce you to my friend?

Are you sabotaging your dates on purpose so you can keep blogging? (this is my favorite) 

Have you ever been on a good date?

So, I decided to let my curious readers know, that yes, I have been on some absolutely wonderful dates, with some genuinely nice men that were raised right and know how to treat a woman. Unfortunately there just wasn't a spark. I also have to confess, there have been some good dates that did spark - and ended with many more good dates - but then the inevitable - we just can't get passed this one difference and we parted ways. 

I'd love to know... What are your deal breakers? I had a list... yes a list of must haves when I first separated. My sister, my bestie and my daughter... hahahaha... sat down and made ourselves lists of what we wanted (and what my daughter wanted for me) for ourselves. It was hilarious. I think we had been watching too many movies. That list has been reduced to a few simple things... like good hygiene and loves Jesus. Just kidding - there are a few more things that we need - like chemistry - and no it can't grow. I mean if there is an initial spark - maybe - but no... just no. You can't force something - so don't try. Been there - done that - maybe a future blog.. smh... ugh!

I always love your comments and feedback... In light of being called "too picky" more times than I can count - I'd like to know what's on your list?  For  research purposes... Am I too picky? LOL - You know you have a list. Man or Woman... comment - tell me your deal breakers too - join the camaraderie of the single community. 

Until next time on the Dating Chronicles - Be safe - Make smart choices! 

This is me with a fish. LOL - Couldn't post a pic of one of these "nice" guys... so maybe this fish is male - maybe not - still, there are lots of fish in the lake - and lots more dates to be had! Haha!


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