
Showing posts from 2025

Dating Chronicles: You Should Have Done Better

Alright... alright! I know I said I was done with the "Dating Chronicle" blogs .... And I was (because I'm in my engaged era) ... lol - but then I saw this post on social media and it said this - "If you wanted me to speak more highly of you then perhaps you should have treated me better... You don't get to narrate MY story of MY experiences with you."  And this quote resonated throughout my entire being like a resounding gong! I felt every word of that statement run through my veins. It awakened something deep down inside of me that I can't explain. I have purposely chosen not to write about some of my horrible experiences because I was asked not to... by at least 4 different men.  And... now that I'm in a clearer state of mind, it makes perfect sense. Of course they asked me not to write about them... because they treated me like crap! Yet - even as I write this - I hear God whispering to my heart, "What would Jesus do?" Hmmmm... He...

Would I Change It?

It's been 4 years and 11 months since my now ex-husband walked out on our 20 year marriage. If you have followed this blog since before that then you know how unexpected it was. If you started following this blog during my Dating Chronicles Series you may be thinking, girl - get over it, it was almost 5 years ago. Here is the thing... I have moved on and at the same time the ripples in the pond are still rippling. I am engaged, I am writing new chapters to my story and I am finding my way back to the straight and narrow path I abandoned when my world fell apart 5 years ago. I have been on quite the detour these last several years. It feels like every time I overcome some post divorce battle another one appears out of nowhere. Healing is a process and I believe how quickly we heal strongly comes from decisions we make during the process. There are days that life feels really unfair. There were decisions made for me that I was too weak and depressed to fight.  Then there were decisio...