We Don't All Have the Same Gifts

Someone recently asked me what would I say to a young woman that had been the victim of Human Trafficking. I’ll be honest… it rattled me. I come across hurting women all the time. I spent many years as a youth leader and associate pastor and all kinds of hurting people have crossed my path… but I never met a women or man for that matter that had been the victim of Human Trafficking. Abused… yes… raped… yes… beat up… yes… and each one has a permanent place in my heart.

When I scroll social media and see the evidence of this horrible epidemic in our world, it makes me sick to my stomach. When I see the countless ‘missing’ children posters that flood my  Facebook wall  - my thoughts immediately go to ‘God please don’t let them be kidnapped and sold into human trafficking’ and then I pray for their safe return - then I click share.

What we do and what we say in speaking with these delicate precious children of God is crucial to their recovery. I would never take on a case of this magnitude - I know my strengths and my weaknesses - and their well being is far more important than my ego… simply put I do not have the credentials… but - if there was a moment… for me specifically… to say something… I would petition the Holy Spirit for His guidance and I feel I would say something like this:

‘I don’t know why this happened to you and I am so sorry that it has… but what I do know is that God loves you. I believe that the Bible is His inspired Word and in it - it tells us of His unfailing and unconditional love. It also tells us that this world is full of evil. There is an enemy of our soul that seeks to kill, steal and destroy us in every way possible. The bible also tells us that God has a good plan for our lives and I do not believe for a second this evil that was done to you was a part of God’s plan. It is heartbreaking to know that sinful people use their free will in such horrendous ways… and that you were a victim of that sin. But - we have hope in Jesus. God sent His Son Jesus to die for us, so that we could have freedom from our sins, be redeemed, made new, experience freedom from the enemy and be born again into His Kingdom. He promises to never leave us, to always be with us, to give us hope and that He will avenge us. He promises that He will take the bad that the enemy tried to destroy us with and use it for His good and our good… if we will let Him. God loves us so much that He will never force Himself on you… but that we may come to Him in our own way and in our own time and that He will always be there waiting with loving and open arms.’

If they were open to a hug… I would hug them and cry with them and assure them that they are loved.

I have prayed long and hard on this. At first I felt guilty because I didn’t have a ready answer and the more I sought God on the topic… the more I realize, I am an evangelist and not a counselor, nor am I any longer a pastor. I’m in a different season of ministry now… and I had to come to grips with the fact… that - that’s okay. The same clothes I wore in middle school no longer fit. Things change. I wasn’t an actress back then either… or even thinking about it… that’s changed too… and that’s okay. I know who I am in God and what He’s called me to do… and my specific gift is to help ‘Christians’ already walking with God… to stay on the straight and narrow. I love teaching how we can apply the Word of God to our everyday life and see victory in even the most trivial things… like the laundry, the dishes… going to the grocery store.

I have so many ministry friends and when I look at them I see how different they all are. Some are gifted with reaching drug addicts, some couples, some love working in the nursery and some absolutely love missions. They are all great at what they do. When we work together… we reach so many. Praise the Lord we aren’t all the same - or gifted to reach the same group of people.

I am not arrogant… and therefore I don’t feel the need to be able to have all the answers all the time or be everything for everybody. If I don’t know… I’ll tell you “I don’t know”. If it isn’t my gift… I’ll tell ya, “It isn’t my gift”.

However, I do believe that if we are ready at anytime to be used by God in any situation… whether it be our gift or not… He will show up and give us what we need when we need it. After all… He used a donkey to speak to Saul on the road to Damascus. I’ll be a donkey for God anytime!

I am so thankful for Spiritual counselors and pastors that can share God’s word in such a gifted way that it brings healing to those that have been broken… body… soul… mind. As I continue to seek the Lord, study His Word and let Him guide my life… I hope to one day join them.

As always… I like to leave you with some encouragement. Don’t try to wear someone else’s shoes. It doesn’t matter how cute you think they are - if they don’t fit - they won’t look good on you - or feel good. Don’t let someone else try to force you to be something you are not. Know who you are in God - the gifts He’s given you - and operate in those. You will find far more fruit coming from your tree if you do.

Lastly, I support ministries, that have specific programs in place for those that have been affected by human trafficking… Like Joyce Meyer’s PROJECT GRL (the ‘i’ is missing on purpose). I truly believe if we all focus on building the Kingdom of God together… we can get a lot more done than if we sit around and try to make everyone a cookie cutter Christian and think that just because we bear the name ‘Christian’ that we have to be everything to everyone. We all have unique gifts, talents and skills… and if we operate in those and give others the freedom to operate in theirs then we can work together so much better and get so much more done for God.

Let’s Build the Kingdom Together!

pics @ pexels.com


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