New Year - New Perspective - New Possibilities

You’ve heard that old saying “hills and valleys” - well I don’t know about you but my 2019 felt more like trenches and glaciers. My family went through some of the most extreme highs and lows that we have ever been through. It was a radical year. As I was preparing myself for 2020 - making resolutions, ministry plans and all that comes with a brand new year - I found myself getting so excited to say goodbye to 2019. I began focusing on all the sad and bad things that happened to our family and in that I was completely overlooking some pretty extraordinary things that happened too… then I quickly realized that kind of attitude wasn’t pleasing to God. I prayed for God to help me redirect my thoughts and what came next was nothing short of my God showing up and showing off!

I absolutely love the fact that every picture I take gets backed up to my Google Drive and with one click I have all of my pictures at my fingertips. I tapped 2019 and scrolled through a year of emotional memories that will last and have a continual impact on me… and some that know me. Then another astonishing thing happened - I realized my highlight reel wasn’t just a highlight reel - this was my actual life! All of these awesome moments I had captured were moments that had actually happened and they were amazing! There may have been some truly sad moments - we lost so many family members this year and other things I don’t care to go into… but the good overshines the bad and my blessings far outweigh my loss. Isn’t that just like God - showing up and showing off - and reminding us that He really did send Jesus so that we could have life and have it more abundantly.

My eyes were opened to the fact my book Don’t Give Up actually got published, I made it to Feedspot top 100 Christian Women Blogs, I traveled and got to speak more than I ever have, my baby boy started college, my family started a food truck business and I met some amazing people…. And so much more!

After realizing how incredibly blessed I am - I prepared myself to go into 2020 praising and thanking God for His goodness in my life AND I wasn’t going to kiss 2019 goodbye… but instead I was going to embrace it for all it was - give it a good hug - say thank you for all the joy and for all the lessons learned and take it’s wisdom with me into 2020. God really is good all the time and all the time God is good. One of my favorite sayings. I believe with all my heart - if we have a heart to look for the good (in all things) - God is faithful to remove the scales from our eyes and let us see it.

I want to encourage you - if you had a year like me - full of trenches and glaciers - remember how amazing it felt standing on top of those glaciers and the joy you received when achieving your victories. Don’t let the enemy steal, kill or destroy the amazing life God sent Jesus to die for you to have. Embrace life. Live it. Don’t give up on it and seek the blessings in all things - I promise they are there.

So as we enter into a new year, a new decade and a new era of possibilities I want to share with you some of my favorite moments from 2019. I pray you will be encouraged to share my perspective and look at your own highlight reel of all the amazing blessings God gave you in 2019.  I can’t wait to add to this at the end of 2020. But I’m not going to rush… I’m going to enjoy the journey. Let’s build the Kingdom of God together! Happy New Year!

P.S. They are turning my book into a movie!


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