My Birthday Wish

I turn 41 today and I am so grateful to have had another year on this earth. We are never promised I will take advantage of this moment and share my birthday wish with you. But more than a wish - this is my prayer - for every future year I have on this earth.

I've always had a list of birthday wishes widely ranging from out of town getaways to jewelry. This year my birthday wish is far more valuable than the most expensive things. My wish this year and every year to help others. I guess I've finally grown up.

I've been in ministry for many years now and I have always loved helping others...but seems more urgent. My heart is instantly triggered by the cold - thinking of those without a warm place to find some rest. When I sit down to enjoy a meal whether alone or surrounded by loved ones, my mind drifts to those all over the world that do not know where their next meal will come from. 

I've worked with so many hurting souls over the years wrestling with addiction, abuse, depression...and the list goes on. How can I help them all. The truth is I can't. But - I can share the truth of the ONE who can. Jesus.

My first pastor, Pastor Wayne Martin, used to sing this song in church. 'I want to spend my whole life, mending broken people'. He meant it and he lived it. I listened to it the other's been a while...and tears began to roll down my face. I remembered Wayne and how up until the day he died (of brain cancer) he lived these words to the best of his ability. I know without a doubt that God used him to mend my broken heart. He is the first person I confessed my suicidal thoughts to. Without judgement, only love, he shared the gospel with me. It saved my life and completely healed the depression. 

After an experience like that you want to run and shout it from the rooftops! And I did. I told everyone that would listen. However, I did not know at the time, the full extent of what God was going to have me do with  my life. Fast forward 20 plus years...I'm still not exactly sure where God is taking me...but I do know this... as long as He's leading - I'll follow Him anywhere.  

This brings me to my birthday wish, my everyday prayer, my heart...I want to spend my whole life mending broken people. I want to share the truth of Jesus, the amazing life that comes from serving Him and the miraculous healing that takes place when you digest His word. But again...I can't reach everyone...but if you're reading this...I have reached you. So, I pass the torch. It only takes one match to start a fire. Will you share Jesus with someone today?

In January of 2019 a beautiful group of people and myself started a ministry. Amy Samuel Ministries (they picked the name...😉) . We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit ministry. Our motto is "Building the Kingdom Together". We invite you to join us. Together we can help hurting people and reach greater numbers. We are better together. Here is the link to our website. Will you go check us out? Pray about joining us. If you sign up for our newsletter you will get updates on what we are doing, where we are doing it and when we are doing it. You can also connect with us on Facebook.
And last but not least, I wrote a book, 'Don't Give Up'. You can help me share the gospel by purchasing a copy and sharing it with others. Here is the link - Don't Give Up

In closing, I would like to pray for you.

Dear Friend,
I pray you never know what it is to be homeless, hungry or without love. I pray you know Jesus and if you don't then you will take this moment to ask Him into your heart. I pray that when you see someone in need and you can meet that need that you won't hesitate. I pray that God's mercy and grace would live within you and that you would use it abundantly. I pray that you walk in peace, find joy in all things and laugh until your belly hurts. I pray that you can clearly see your blessings and that you can clearly see they aren't material. I pray that you take time out to smell the cookies baking, hold the door open for someone and sit down with friends new and old to enjoy a cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) or tea...I pray that from today moving forward you live in victory, knowing that Jesus won your battles on the cross and He died just for you.
In Jesus Name I lift you up before the Kings of Kings and the Lord of Lords...Amen.

Matthew 28:19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


  1. Amen Amy..may I fulfill the need of people and serve others as Jesus did and be His hands and feet as well and mending broken hearts thru the Love of Jesus and healing the broken thru the power of God !!! Happy Birthday Amy and we celebrate you that you have chosen the best part and sitting @ Jesus feet and worshiping & learning and growing from Him and helping others mend from pain & brokness!!! Love ya girl I hope to see you soon!!������❤��������

    1. Thank you Amanda! God bless you girl. I hope to see you soon too! You gotta make our Women's Conference this year! It is going to a whole new level!!! We are so excited. Message me your email on Facebook. xoxoxo


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