This IS 40
Have you ever just sat back and taken a moment to truly reflect on your life...and make a conscious effort to focus on all of the wonderful treasures it holds? If not- I highly recommend it. It does the soul good. Taking my own advice today...I am beyond the point of tears, at this incredible life I’ve been given. Turning 40 (which is ancient to some...haha...and still a Spring Chicken to others) has really made me stop, reflect and appreciate my blessings. In my reflections, I also find myself praising and thanking God, for creating me, and allowing me to live this life that I love so much. (Some days more than others...)
As I look in the mirror at the lines forming around my eyes and forehead I see 40 years of smiling and laughing...the gray hair peeking through reminds me of the scripture Proverbs is
my crown of glory. My family always did call me a princess! With age comes wisdom and I’m finally starting to feel smart! I finally feel like a grown up. Haha! Yes, it has taken 40 years but I finally feel grown. I feel like I am stepping into a new season of life where I may actually have the upper hand. - Really I just don’t give a hoot what others think anymore! Haha! Sounds wise to me!
I’m in awe that I’m still married to the same man after all these years. This month marks 20 years since we got engaged and our 19th wedding anniversary is right around the corner. It has not been
perfect...I’ve thrown my share of plates at him (Big ones too) and gone to bed angry more than a few times...but love covers a multitude of sin. I love him. He loves me. It is more than enough.
We have 3 incredibly beautiful children. They are healthy and smart and kind and polite. I look at them and see the best of my husband and I blended into these 3 perfect humans and think to myself “How does that happen?”...How did 2 imperfect people create such greatness...I know...I know...I’m biased..but it’s my heart.
I think about the mountains I’ve climbed - literal- and figurative! Both huge feats, considering, my crippling fear of heights and change. I think about the stuff I’ve been through...and how I’ve seen others give up when faced with the same circumstances. I feel strong and courageous. I feel brave and unstoppable. That is the faith I have in God talking… not in myself.
I look at my birthday suit...the same one for 40 years - no modifications- other than life...LOL...and I think I’ve earned these curves, these stretch marks, these saggy parts...haha...I could probably take better care of it if I want it to last me another 40 years...but Hey..maybe I’ll upgrade- get some bionic stuff or get things lifted, tucked and sucked...whatever they do! You can judge me..I don’t care...I’m foe-ty! (no pic here...)
It would be easy to look at all the negative stuff that has happened over the last 40 years...but I make a choice not to do that- I make a choice to focus on the positive. Yes- there have been times where I felt like I was walking through hellfire...and I mean HELL-fire! But if in the end I came out refined by that fire - then I’ll continue to endure. If every valley, trial, tribulation, mountain, temptation and hellacious situation made me a better me, brought me closer to God and gave me a perspective that could relate to others on a more human level- and taught me to love more, pray harder, and be genuine- then all of those tests have been worth it. I did not say EASY...but WORTH it. Anything that draws you closer to God is worth it.
I recently finished my first book titled “Don’t Give Up”. It should be out in 2019. In it I shared 20 lessons from 20 years in ministry. I’m breaking them down and sharing them one at at a time here on my blog. But the number one thing I’ve learned in 40 years, from life, ministry, being a wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter etc....drum roll please…IS - Love Everyone! It doesn’t matter their nationality, sexual orientation, color, political affiliation, opinions...yada yada yada...What matters is that they are a human being, created by our Creator, God Himself, to fulfill a specific purpose on this earth (or maybe the moon w/ the way Science is trying to catch up with the bible). They, just like you, were created for a very specific role to fill...that only they/you can fill. Love them.
I never knew what love was...real love...until I found God. He changed me. It is never easy...but the end result of loving someone you deem unlovable is so rewarding. Jesus did it...when He died on the cross. For you...for me...for them!
So that is my 40 year advice - Love people- Oh and always wear clean underwear...Your momma was just never know!!!
Also - just ‘cause now I’m foe-ty...yes I say it like that- FOE-tee - I believe Jesus turned the water into wine! Actual wine...not grape juice- and in celebration of that I am going to have a glass on my birthday! Look out world...Pastor Amy is 40...and the best is yet to come!!!
As I look in the mirror at the lines forming around my eyes and forehead I see 40 years of smiling and laughing...the gray hair peeking through reminds me of the scripture Proverbs is
my crown of glory. My family always did call me a princess! With age comes wisdom and I’m finally starting to feel smart! I finally feel like a grown up. Haha! Yes, it has taken 40 years but I finally feel grown. I feel like I am stepping into a new season of life where I may actually have the upper hand. - Really I just don’t give a hoot what others think anymore! Haha! Sounds wise to me!
I’m in awe that I’m still married to the same man after all these years. This month marks 20 years since we got engaged and our 19th wedding anniversary is right around the corner. It has not been
perfect...I’ve thrown my share of plates at him (Big ones too) and gone to bed angry more than a few times...but love covers a multitude of sin. I love him. He loves me. It is more than enough.

I think about the mountains I’ve climbed - literal- and figurative! Both huge feats, considering, my crippling fear of heights and change. I think about the stuff I’ve been through...and how I’ve seen others give up when faced with the same circumstances. I feel strong and courageous. I feel brave and unstoppable. That is the faith I have in God talking… not in myself.
I look at my birthday suit...the same one for 40 years - no modifications- other than life...LOL...and I think I’ve earned these curves, these stretch marks, these saggy parts...haha...I could probably take better care of it if I want it to last me another 40 years...but Hey..maybe I’ll upgrade- get some bionic stuff or get things lifted, tucked and sucked...whatever they do! You can judge me..I don’t care...I’m foe-ty! (no pic here...)
It would be easy to look at all the negative stuff that has happened over the last 40 years...but I make a choice not to do that- I make a choice to focus on the positive. Yes- there have been times where I felt like I was walking through hellfire...and I mean HELL-fire! But if in the end I came out refined by that fire - then I’ll continue to endure. If every valley, trial, tribulation, mountain, temptation and hellacious situation made me a better me, brought me closer to God and gave me a perspective that could relate to others on a more human level- and taught me to love more, pray harder, and be genuine- then all of those tests have been worth it. I did not say EASY...but WORTH it. Anything that draws you closer to God is worth it.
I recently finished my first book titled “Don’t Give Up”. It should be out in 2019. In it I shared 20 lessons from 20 years in ministry. I’m breaking them down and sharing them one at at a time here on my blog. But the number one thing I’ve learned in 40 years, from life, ministry, being a wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter etc....drum roll please…IS - Love Everyone! It doesn’t matter their nationality, sexual orientation, color, political affiliation, opinions...yada yada yada...What matters is that they are a human being, created by our Creator, God Himself, to fulfill a specific purpose on this earth (or maybe the moon w/ the way Science is trying to catch up with the bible). They, just like you, were created for a very specific role to fill...that only they/you can fill. Love them.
I never knew what love was...real love...until I found God. He changed me. It is never easy...but the end result of loving someone you deem unlovable is so rewarding. Jesus did it...when He died on the cross. For you...for me...for them!
So that is my 40 year advice - Love people- Oh and always wear clean underwear...Your momma was just never know!!!
Also - just ‘cause now I’m foe-ty...yes I say it like that- FOE-tee - I believe Jesus turned the water into wine! Actual wine...not grape juice- and in celebration of that I am going to have a glass on my birthday! Look out world...Pastor Amy is 40...and the best is yet to come!!!
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