Life's Happenings & Choices
I have come to a point in my life where I am choosing not to say that life is busy. Busy reminds me of Mary and Martha in the story where Jesus came to visit their home and Martha was accused of being foolish because she didn’t take time to sit at Jesus’ feet and she got tagged as a busy body. I don’t want to be a busy body. I want to be fruitful. So even though my days are filled to the brim; I choose to say I am not busy. I am living my life and producing fruit.
I have also discovered that while living my life I have choices to make every day. I get to choose what I spend my precious time doing. One thing I have not been doing, is writing. I miss it. I miss blogging, working on my book and sharing God’s love through script with others. So, I made a choice, to write today. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to write about, but then I decided it didn’t matter, I just wanted to write. So here I sit, at my computer, my tasty coffee in hand, and sharing my heart with you.
Do you miss doing something? Maybe it’s date night with your spouse, snuggling with your kiddos, reading a good book, connecting with new people? I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You have choices. Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t. You do. Making choices does have consequences, but I believe, seeking God (because he knows the desires of your heart), is always the best avenue to take when making decisions about how to spend the precious days of your life. Not only will he give you the desires of your heart, but he will introduce you to the gifts he has placed inside of you. He will make sure you have time for your family, your job, your errand running and anything else that is necessary for a good fruitful life. He will also show you the things that you don’t have to do, that you mistakingly added to your to do list.
So tell me, what have you been doing with your days? I would love to hear your fruitful stories. Just yesterday a lady from my church was sharing with me how God had lead her to pray for a woman at the movie theater. How awesome is this!!! While choosing to spend time with her kiddos (our first ministry), God opened the door for her to connect and pray with someone who needed it. Had she not listened to God and chose to spend time with her children, she would have missed this great opportunity to minister with someone who needed it. This warms my heart tremendously. God is so faithful to us when we put His Will for our life first.
I decided that before I took my shower, started my day, I was going to take 5 extra minutes and just write. Even now, as the words, that may seem nonsensical to most, pour off my fingertips, I feel joy, one of the fruit of the Spirit. So even though this is not a profound message or a deep insight into the workings of God in my life, I pray you get a seed. Choose that whatever you do today, you will not just be busy, but you will be fruitful.
While being fruitful, here are some Life Happening’s, in the Samuel house.
We just celebrated my oldest son’s 16th birthday! A day full of love, tears and family!
Acting! Lots of Acting! I have been blown away by how many times I’ve been on set since God opened these new doors for me. And the opportunity to minister while on set has been humbling.
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Don't worry it's grape juice 😉 |
Church youth group trip to Kings Dominion...equals...hurting in places you didn’t know you could hurt! LOL
Women’s Conference
And of course my favorite thing...snuggles with my kiddos!
What kind of fruit are your days producing? I’d love to hear from you!
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