A Week Full of Lessons

I have no words. Okay I have lots of words, but not sure how to put them all down and have them make sense. This has been one crazy week. All I can say is, “Jesus is my everything”. If I had not had my Jesus to call on every single second of every day I would be running away at the moment instead of currently writing down everything that happened this week.

Seriously, an impromptu mini vaca at the beach, or even in the mountains, where I could hide and not be found for oh..let’s say...a month! Still sounds nice. Alas, I have to adult. So here is the breakdown of how my week went. Then you can tell me about yours, because the bible says God is not a respecter of persons, so I know I’m not the only one who learned some stuff this week.  A new lesson every day, and I learned a lot...I mean A LOT! Some were new, some were reminders, but I’m passing on my wisdom to you, because surely I did not go through this week for naught, or for just me...or did I?

Last Saturday I attended a funeral for my cousin. I loved her dearly and I will miss her greatly. She had cancer and I am heartbroken that I didn’t get to say goodbye. I had planned to go see her as soon as I got back into town from filming in Atlanta, but unfortunately I didn’t make it a priority, and now I am left with the guilt of not getting to say goodbye. Lesson 1: Make visiting with loved ones a priority. Do it often whether they are sick or not. You never know what is going to happen...Vegas, Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida etc., take the time and make it a priority.  

Sunday, we said goodbye to our Senior Pastor of 10 years and welcomed our new Senior Interim Pastor; which means I have a new boss. I love him and his family, they are amazing, but change is always difficult, you have to learn lots of things together and that takes time, time that I have to make time for, because I had a routine and now that routine is about to change. This is a difficult season, but I am trusting God every step of the way. Lesson 2: Trust God completely and don’t try to figure out every detail. God’s got it.

Monday, my 16 year old got his driver’s license. This could be an entire post on it’s own. Of course he wanted to drive right away. We had bought him a pickup truck a while ago and he’s been chomping at the bit to drive it solo. He had to babysit his cousin that night, so he drove himself there. I followed him. (I know...I know) As we were driving down the road I felt the weirdest sensation; I needed to cut the umbilical cord. I literally saw in my mind’s eye, an umbilical cord between his truck and mine. Lesson 3: Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. I’ve trained him well. (sigh...sniff...snip)

Tuesday, I had to be on set about 2 hours away from my home. I felt the Lord prompting me to leave extra early that morning. I couldn’t explain it, it was just a subtle prompting, but I obeyed. I was about half way there when the assistant director called and asked if I could come in early. I was happy to tell her that I could. Lesson 4: Listen to the small still voice of the Holy Spirit. He knows what we don’t and He is never wrong.

Wednesday, my baby girl turned 10. The emotional roller coaster that day was quite the wild ride. I no longer have a baby. All 3 of my kiddos are in the double digits and time is not slowing down. Lesson 5: Treasure each and every moment with my children. They are growing fast and one day they will be in their own homes with their own families and I’ll miss the laundry, the big dinners, the shouting from up the stairs. Okay maybe I won’t miss the laundry, but I’ll miss our family time together and I need to treasure every moment while I can...while they let me!

Thursday, my husband bought a new car. He traded in his Porsche for a Prius. I know right!  They do grow up ladies (wink wink), don’t give up on them. It’s taken me 20 years with this one, but he’s seasoned just right and I wouldn’t trade him for anything. While my husband was signing papers I took our middle son shopping for his first homecoming suit in the men’s department. (Sigh) I held back the tears, but oh he looked so handsome and so grown. My baby boy is far from a baby. Lesson 6: When covered in prayer, men can make good solid decisions, from cars to suits. Ha! Ha!

Friday, I had to take my dad to see a lung specialist. We have been extremely concerned as to why is he isn’t recovering faster from this nasty bronchitis. He was in the hospital for almost a week, under the watchful eye of his family physician for almost 3 weeks, and still isn’t back to normal.  Praise God no lung diseases were found and it is just taking a while for him to fully recover. We were concerned because he used to be a smoker, his father had emphysema and lung cancer has been known to run in the family.  Lesson 7: God is still in the healing business.

Saturday, we attended another funeral. Another soul taken too early and another reminder that life is short and you never know when God is going to call you home. My heart was broken that I had missed another opportunity to visit with a dear friend and see her sweet smiling face one more time. It was quite a day and a very emotional one. After the funeral was over my boys had their homecoming dance. So as I shifted gears and watched my handsome boys head off to their dance I was reminded once again how fast time goes by. The last lesson for the week, but definitely not the last lesson I’ll ever learn, is Lesson 8: Make every moment count. Don’t miss out on opportunities to tell your loved ones that you love them, to be there for them in the happy times, the celebrating times and the sad times; don’t miss your chance to be kind, and don’t miss out on letting the light of Jesus shine through you at all times. Life is short and I plan to make mine count for Jesus!

God Bless,


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