Exceedingly & Abundantly
Whenever I am about to go through a specific season in my life, not the ordinary day to day stuff, God prepares me with a specific scripture or song. The song or scripture will start to resonate in my Spirit for about a week or so and then boom, the blessing or the test will follow. He has encouraged me in this way for many years and it has become comforting to me whether it is a blessing or a test, because it is a reminder of how much my God loves me. I remember when my husband was hit by a car, riding his motorcycle, I had been singing “In Christ Alone” for about a month. I could not get that song out of my head. I bought the CD and played it over and over and over again. After his accident, I continued to play it, sing it, embrace its message and I was strengthened daily by it. God used that song to get me through one of the most difficult seasons of my life.
This has been happening for so long now, that when a particular song or scripture begins to penetrate my heart, I go “uh oh, God, what’s coming”...in a joking, but quizzical one brow raised kind of way. But...then....there are times when He gives me amazing scriptures to hold on to that get me so excited, I dance (behind locked doors) like David danced. Well, for the last several weeks, He has given me Ephesians 3:20-21.
Ephesians 3:20-21 (KJV)
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Let me just tell you, when this scripture came to me during my quiet prayer time, I got so excited, I did dance. I jumped up and down, I praised God, I thanked Him and I began to pray in the Spirit. I said, “Ok God, you know I have quite the imagination, so let’s see, what can I dream up, and then let me see you outdo me!” Of course our Joyce Meyer conference was coming up, so I claimed blessings over us and our trip, thinking that was why He had given me this scripture, then something deeper happened. God spoke a word to my heart that has me so overcome with joy that I don’t know if I’ll ever come down off this mountaintop. He said, “I can be your peace, when you can’t imagine peace, I can fix your finances, when you think it’s impossible, I can give you joy in the midst of your grief, I can go beyond your situation and what you see, and do what you think is impossible”...Doesn’t that make you want to shout! I know it does me!
When we get stuck in a rut, with some stinkin thinkin, God is not hindered. He can go beyond our imagination and do what we believe is the impossible, because “with God all things are possible”. Of course God loves His children and He likes to bless us with the desires of our heart, but I believe those things come after we understand the spiritual side of what He is really trying to teach us.

And yes, being on the front row was a blessing, but for me, the bigger blessing, was that out of the 9,777 people that coliseum can hold, God chose us, to be right there in the front receiving every Word that came out of Joyce’s mouth.
God desires to have a close personal relationship with each and every one of His children. I am not anymore special than anyone else, but I know I am special because I am a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I don’t just pray for favor and blessings, I pray believing God’s Word, that He wants me to have favor and blessings. I pray with expectation that what I am praying for will be done, in the Name of Jesus. I pray, believing, God’s Will to be done. I know who I am in Christ, and I walk in it every day. And guess what? You can too. Every promise, every ounce of favor, every blessing, every good and perfect gift is yours for the taking. However, if you choose not to walk in it, not to open your hand to receive it, it will fall to someone else. I made up my mind a long time ago, I want all that God has for me, in this life and in eternity. I want you to have your portion too, don’t let someone else have what is rightfully yours. Claim it! Believe it! Receive it! Don’t let anyone tell you, you are not worthy, because, Jesus shed His blood, that you would be worthy. You are made righteous through His blood. All you have to do is believe it. He can truly do exceedingly and abundantly far more than you can think or imagine. Just try it!
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