Treasured Moments

I read a blog post by Priscilla Shirer this morning and it blessed me so much that I am going to take a page out of her book and do something similar. She was cleaning out her phone pics and she shared some with her readers. It reminded me that not only is she a phenomenal Woman of God but that she is a busy mom running errands and taking time out from her ministry to be with her family and friends. When I think of her I picture her in the movie “War Room” or on stage at one of her many conferences. Sometimes I think we forget certain people are human and we all have to sit down at some point to use the restroom. She encouraged me by letting her hair down, so to speak, and took a break from her normal way of doing things so she could just be silly. So as I took some time out to delete some crazy pictures off of my phone, I thought I’d share some of my daily silliness and sometimes emotional moments with you.

1. We are currently renovating our sanctuary and we painted over a mural that had been on our back wall for over 15 years. It was bitter sweet. I am looking forward to the new modern look and the freshness the face lift will bring, but there were a lot of amazing things that happened under that mural.

2. This one was taken during Praise and Worship one night at VBS. When I look at this picture I am reminded of one of the many reasons I do what I do. To see so many children having fun in the Lord and knowing that we are planting seeds for the Kingdom of God replaces my exhaustion with joy unspeakable and full of glory.


3. Here is my sister picking nits out of my hair. LOL...yep, during VBS we discovered 4 children with lice and because I hug and love on all of them I caught it. Thanks to my sissy I am totally lice and nit


4. I totally jokingly sent this picture to my husband while shopping for VBS supplies with a caption stating I was going to need a drink that this umbrella would fit it when it was all over. Again...jokes...Amy’s got jokes!

5. This is my sweet Molly. This was taken in the vet’s office while we were waiting for her blood test results. This is the day we found out she has cancer.

6. Blueberry French Toast Casserole-I made this while on vaca with my BFF’s and their spouses. When I first got married I couldn’t cook a lick and now...well let’s just say look out Paula Dean!

7. My boys usually help me watch the children of the mothers that come to Coffee Talk, our women’s prayer group at church. Here is my oldest son teaching the kids how to play cards, in the church’s kitchen. Well, you know what they say about preacher’s kids...ha-ha!

8. This is Melvin my 10 year old kitty cat. He doesn’t get too much acknowledgement because the dogs and chickens always steal the show. Here he is chillin in his favorite place, the foot of our bed.

9. A rare and I mean rare photo of my middle child and youngest child getting along. I will keep this one FOREVER!

10. My husband and his mini me waiting for lunch. I remember while sitting there waiting for them I had to capture that moment. She adores her daddy and she has him wrapped around her littlest pinky nail. I honestly would not have it any other way.

11. I took a timeout on my parent’s front porch to enjoy their Koi pond and that lead to an amazing opportunity to sit and talk with my dad for over an hour. That hasn’t happened in years and it absolutely made my day!


12. Aside from serving God this picture right here shows why I get up every day and push through every trial, valley and storm that comes my way. These 4 are what makes my life worth living, they make me smile and feel love and joy that I cannot even explain. Right after this picture I put the phone down and jumped in! Family is one of the greatest gifts God can give us and I treasure mine.


Thank you for indulging me in a not so typical blog. But this is life and it is through life that I serve God and I use His Word to guide me, heal me, encourage me, strengthen me and give me peace. I laugh, cry, get angry, feel joy and I have hope. I pray that you can find God too in all of life’s experiences. God Bless!


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