Don't Take it for Granted

As I stepped outside for my morning walk I determined it would not be like any other walk. Routine can be good but it can also lead you to take things and people for granted. I decided today I would be open to receive all that I could from my morning walk and focus on appreciating what was around me. It rained last night and the smell of the air after the rain has always been a favorite smell of mine. It makes me think about growth and thriving and the arrival of Spring. I filled my lungs with the fresh air and with purpose I began my walk.

In light of the COVID -19 outbreak my thoughts have consumed me. It’s true I had a lot on my mind before this epidemic but now on lock down in my home I have even more time to think. So as I ventured out to exercise I decided I was not going to take it for granted. I breathed in the fresh air, listened to the birds sing and even eavesdropped on their conversations with one another. I watched the squirrels chase each other around and up the trees completely unaware that the world around them is in a panic. I watched the water dance over the rocks in the creek next to my house. I gazed as the sun peeked through the trees on it’s way up to light the day for us all. The same sun… for all of humanity. The colors were so vibrant and mesmerizing I had to stop and stare. So much space between me and the sun - yet I felt it was right next to me. I closed my eyes and focused on the beam that fell across my face. My cheeks felt it’s warmth and I smiled.

As I continued on my journey my thoughts drifted to all of the people that couldn’t leave their homes. Those that are at high risk for this infectious virus and for those that are disabled and could not leave whether there was a threatening germ or not. How much do we take for granted? I know I’ve definitely taken my share of life’s pleasures for granted. It was this thought that helped things come into focus. We don’t have to take it for granted. We can start right now in this moment appreciating all that we have to be thankful for… not limited to - but especially in times like this.

Between my husband’s side of the family and mine we lost 7 loved ones in the span of one and a half years. Some of them were totally unexpected and others we knew it was coming… but it didn’t make the grief any less painful. We are not promised tomorrow… we aren’t even promised we will make it through the day - or that our loved ones will make it through the day - so tell them you love them while you can and make every moment count.

Don’t take for granted that you have people who love you.  Don’t take for granted small gestures of kindness from total strangers… they are related to you through being human. We are all brothers and sisters - regardless of our beliefs - we all bleed the same. Don’t take for granted those that have been there for you through thick and thin and may need a helping hand right now. Don’t take for granted that you have food to eat, a place to sleep, an abundant supply of toilet paper - or the beauty of the sun rising and setting.

We don’t know what tomorrow holds - but if I make it to tomorrow - I refuse to carry bitterness, regret, judgyness, anger or unforgiveness with me. I choose life, love, friendship, hope and a promise to myself and to God to be the best I can be for myself, my family and my fellow humans. I want to see the beauty in every sunrise and look for the positive in every storm of life.

I refuse to be selfish. Because when I get to the end of my life I want to look back and see that I loved far beyond what I thought I was capable of and that I loved more than just myself… Love is not easy - it’s more than a feeling - it’s an action. So if I have to share my toilet paper, stay inside for another month or so, pray with a crying friend or walk alone - I will do it in love. I will also love the fact that I am surrounded by my family, the ones I love - making fires outside, playing basketball in the driveway, baking cookies, playing video games and homeschooling… I won’t take this time of opportunity for granted or make it about myself and my discomforts.

I encourage you to do the same. Focus on love and not complaining. There are so many people in the world that pray every day for God to send them what you already have - and that is a blessing you should not take for granted. Don’t worry about whether or not you get to see tomorrow but focus on how you can appreciate today.

Live in the Blessing,


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