A Visit with the Lady Doctor

If you don’t have a sense of humor… or you are easily offended - Stop Reading!

I hadn’t been to see my ‘lady’ doctor (who is not a lady) in quite a while… so my husband made me an appointment. Yes, my husband. He’s just as concerned about that area as I am - maybe more so. I had been complaining of irregular periods, pain and some other things - I’ll spare you the details -  but if you are women… you soooo get me!

He called - scheduled my appointment and 2 weeks later I went. I love my doctor. He is so kind and patient. He’s been my doctor since Andrew, my oldest, was in utero. But - for the first time in 20 years as I was lying on the examination table in the usual uncomfortable position and I thought to myself - what does Jesus think about all this??? A man that isn’t my husband checking out my nether regions more thoroughly than my husband ever has. I mean I had never ever thought about this before. All the while my doctor is asking me questions, carrying on quite the conversation, from my irregular periods to sailing, and all the while all I can think about is… Jesus is in this room with us. Normally I’m thinking, I wish I hadn’t had that burrito… or wow that gel is cold… but this time… I was seriously thinking to myself - what does Jesus think about all of this?

Once that exam is over it’s time for the upper half of the exam. This time I can see him while he’s talking to me and the conversation moved to the fact both of our oldest kiddos just started college. I was thankful for the reprieve from my thoughts. When he’s done, I get to put the paper sheet back on… but why… I mean really - I feel like they should offer you a beverage of some sort??? But I put my sheet back on. I share all of my concerns and my husbands… and then my doctor shared his. That’s when my thoughts did a fast 180. I was expecting to hear that I was being paranoid… but not this time… this time he found something. So downstairs for blood work I went.

I’ll be honest… I was jolted for a second at the thought that something might seriously be wrong with me. But then - I prayed - and said God if something is wrong… then I know you have a plan to work it all out for your good. That was the end of it. I’ll update when I have my results. I have some more testing to undergo first.

Back to my real dilemma… which really isn’t an issue… I’m just curious. Do you put off going to the lady doctor because you’re modest? Does it feel weird? Do you only see a lady for your lady doctor? What do you think Jesus thinks?

I’ve never been in a bible study or women’s group where this topic has come up. Just so you know… I made peace with it. He’s been my doctor for 20 years. I’m not sure where this thought train came from but I’d like to know I’m not alone… Honestly my husband is the only one I want poking around my body. But because my doctor is a doctor I guess I’m able to get over it easily...is it an age thing? Ladies, in your 40s… thoughts…. Please!

As the thought train continues… I don’t think God minds us having male ‘lady’ doctors. They are doctors… that’s what they went to school for. My doctor makes me comfortable, he knows all of my medical history and my mom and sister go to him too...so yeah… there’s that ...hahahaha - but if you know of any scriptures on the matter - please share. I’m curios.

To close - I think we need to talk about these subjects more. In all my years of attending bible study we never talked about this. I think the church (well a lot of the church) stay away from topics that make people uncomfortable… but we need to do it anyway.

Comment your thoughts… I’d love to know what you think! - But keep it nice.


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