Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up is the title of my new book. My only book. Ha ha! We all have to start somewhere... right? I'll be honest when I first started writing my story down over four years ago I thought it was just going to be a blog post. Then, I couldn't stop writing. I just kept writing and writing. Before I knew it I had 21 chapters. Not all of them were completely finished but they were substantial. Then writer's block hit and it hit hard. I never thought I would finish my book. In fact the last 2 chapters didn't come to me until after I did something... something the Lord had been telling me to do for a while... but I just couldn't bring myself to do it - well - not until it became very evident that He was not going to allow me to go any further until I did what He was telling me to do. I was seriously at a point of giving up or giving in. I decided to give into God. I'm so glad I did.

This 'thing' He was asking me to do was no small thing. It was going to be monumentally life changing. I resisted because I am not a fan of change. Even when I know it's going to be a good change... I freak a little... lingering side effects of a control freak. However God is good... His plan for our lives is good... He wants to see us reach our full potential - and He is pretty convincing. After months of living without peace I decided to give in - He won. I submitted to the Holy Spirit in obedience and as soon as I did the rest of the book just poured out of me like a river. It was amazing!

I took out 12 of the original chapters (I was up to 23). 11 chapters were left and the first draft of my book was complete. I'll spare you the long drawn out hunt for a publisher, the professional editing process, the art for the cover, the bio and everything else that goes into a completed manuscript - it exhausts me reliving it now...haha. It was overwhelming at times and there was so much going on in our family during that time also that there were days when I really just wanted to give up. Not on life...although I won't lie, there may have been a fleeting thought or 100... of - Jesus come NOW! Nevertheless I was writing a book titled "Don't Give Up" and therefore I felt the conviction to not give up. (God's good like that.)

When it was all said and done and my books arrived in the mail along with being listed online for sale I felt joy unspeakable and full of glory...just like the bible says in 1 Peter 1: 7-9. It was a day I will never forget. I will also never forget the persistence of the Lord during that season of my life. He is truly our advocate in all things.

I share all of this simply to encourage whomever is reading this to not give up. You may be going through some horrendous trials, surrounded by daunting circumstances, riding an emotional roller coaster or have been given a task to complete by the Creator Himself  - but whatever it is, God's got you! Whatever it is that you have been called to do God will equip you to do it. Just make sure you are listening to His voice, doing it His way and not trying to force your own way. That never works out well - seriously - don't try it.

Remember the enemy will do whatever he can to distract you from the calling and purpose God has on your life. In order to stay on course we must nourish our relationship with God continuously. Do not leave Him out of anything in your life. I found this little saying on the Internet and it spoke volumes to me. "If you have to sin to get it then it isn't worth it." I like to add, "If you have to sin to keep it, then it isn't worth it."

God is faithful, He's just, He's all knowing, He's all powerful, He's love in it's entirety...He is everything! Whatever you do...Don't Give Up.

If you are interested in reading my book here are a couple of links where you can get it. You can get in paperback or an ebook.

Blessings y'all!

Don't Give Up - Amazon
Don't Give Up - BookBaby
Don't Give Up - Barnes and Noble   


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