Don't Despise the Valley

Don’t despise the valley. I heard it loud and clear during my prayer time with God. Then He went on to tell me, “It was in the valley of depression where you found Me, the real Me.” I wept before the Lord. It was such a raw truth that my heart was lead to conviction.

I confess, lately I've been complaining more and more about our current situation. This season of what feels like never ending  roller coaster rides has drudged me through more valleys and miry clay than beautiful peaceful mountain tops and I’m getting pretty weary. I have definitely complained more than I have praised and I know I have doubted more than I have believed. But yet here is my God still encouraging me, still guiding me, still loving me. He is still giving me exactly what I need when I need it. Why? Because He loves me...He loves you. His heart is to draw closer to us and for us to seek to draw closer to Him. And sometimes we have to go through a valley to get there.

Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Just the first few words of this scripture have encouraged me so much during this current season. It has reminded me not to get distracted by what is going on around me, what's happening to me or to my family...but to stay focused on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He has always been there for my family and I know He isn't about to leave us now. When we strive to seek Him and His Word then the chaos of life seems to straighten out and things start to fall into place. It really is that simple. When I’m seeking Him and His plan for my life I don’t even get disgruntled at the timing - that always seems to be bad - when I'm not focused on Him.  When we focus on God and make a choice to trust that His ways are perfect we can walk in peace and get off the roller coaster ride. An old lesson that I’ve had to revisit because somewhere along the way I have forgotten it.

When He spoke to my heart not to despise the valley because it was in the valley where I met Him - I felt peace. I also thought about how many missed opportunities there have been during this current season of life to draw closer to Him to hear His voice and receive His mercy and grace. I've been so consumed with trudging through the valley that I completely forgot this is the place where He can do great and mighty things in my life. It was definitely in the valley of depression where I met Him, where He saved my life and showed me how to start living an amazing one.

I think a lot of times we get so focused on the fact that the valley is a bad place because of the trials, temptations, losses and miry clay that we let ourselves become blinded to the fact that this is also a place of saving grace. The valley is where we cry out to God from the depths of our soul. The valley is the place where He meets us in our time of need. The valley is where He washes us off and sets our path straight. It is a place of conviction and opportunities to make real life changes. The valley is where we are most open to hear His Word and actually apply it to our lives.

Are you currently in a valley? Are you going through a tough time in your life? Are you crying more than you are praising? Are you complaining more than you are spending time in worship? Are you worrying more than you are seeking peace? It happens. Life gets messy. But you don’t have to feel hopeless. Because with God there is always hope.

Instead of all the above - focus on God. Just God. Not what He can do for you, not the prayers He can answer - not how is He going to fix it... just focus on the fact that He is God. He created you, He loves you, He is with you. Once you've re-established the mindset that He loves you and only wants good for you and for good to come out of the valley that you are currently in, then begin to seek the gifts of His Kingdom and all He has for you simply because you are His.

Peace, love, joy, kindness and so much more are waiting for you. Begin to look for opportunities to draw closer to Him during this difficult time. I guarantee that mercy and grace are all around you. Pretty soon, things will become more clear, answers will seem more evident, and your heart will be more open to hear the things that you may be refusing to hear at the current moment. It can be a blessing...if you let it.

I know for myself this season of constant valley’s have definitely had me crying out the Name of Jesus more than ever before. My cousin once asked me, “Amy, if the only reason you are going through is because God is trying to bring you closer to Him, then isn’t it worth it?”. This was a real eye opener for me and my response is "Yes. Yes it is.".

Don’t despise the valley...seize the opportunity to draw closer to the Lord and let Him do a great work in your life.


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