God Can Do It - And He Will

Three days later and I am still trying to articulate words that can do justice to what we experienced this past weekend at our UNBREAKABLE Women's Conference. I am still on a Holy Ghost high and don't want to come down...haha! However, I do want to take a moment and share this testimony with you in hopes of encouraging you with whatever endeavors you are currently in the middle of right now - or even plans you are making for the future. God wants to bless you! Believe it!

Let me start off by saying I did not want to do this conference. I’ve done them in the past and they are a lot of work and for some reason the support has just not been there - maybe it was God's timing, maybe it something else... none the less it wasn't there.

The vision God gave me this time was bigger than anything we had ever done before and it scared me. My first thought was - God is this you or me?  I knew that if I wasn’t hearing from Him and this was of “me” then I would end up feeling the same loss as so many times before. I decided to fleece the Lord. I simply asked Him if this was truly of Him then please send the help I needed to make it happen without me asking for it. Remember this was a fleece...there is nothing wrong with asking for help. BUT - I needed to know if this really was of God.

The answer immediately came and not in the form of just one person but God sent an entire team of people. I have to give a shout out to the one person who worked the hardest - Renee. I love you boo! You are a Rockstar! If you are reading this...know this...you are going to do great things in the Kingdom of God! You already have.

Still in awe of the vision that God had given I made a choice to be obedient. Your blessings really start to come when you are obedient to the Lord. The Word says obedience is better than sacrifice. What He is asking you to do does not have to make sense. It isn’t about sense it is about obedience. I continued to hear this word right up until the day of the event.

Proverbs 3:5-6  (NIV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Our team began to push forward. The enemy fought us every step of the way right up until the morning of the event and even before the event got started. Some would have been discouraged and thought...maybe this isn’t God. However, the fight just fueled our fire. We knew that something amazing was going to happen and the devil knew it too. He was about to lose a lot of people that he thought he had over to the Kingdom of God. He lost BIG time.

Once the praise and worship started you could feel the break in the atmosphere. The Spirit of God swept through like a mighty rushing wind and for the next several hours He did miracles! I once heard someone say that if you can’t explain it then it’s got to be God. That is how we feel. The worship, the teachings, the healing, the testimonies, the tears, the power that we all felt in that room that day cannot be explained. It was God. Here I sit days later still in awe of what happened. There were women lined up and waiting to be prayed for. They hugged, they cried, they worshiped, they repented...It was BEAUTIFUL! Days later women are calling, texting, messaging...When are we doing it again? We want more! We need more! The word says that the Spirit will draw. Let me tell you..the Spirit is drawing!

As an evangelist I come in contact with people all the time that ask for prayer because they are hurting, lost, depressed, in financial ruin, in failed relationships and more. I saw many of them come this weekend and my heart was so full. To see women hungry for God and seeking His face and then watching God show up and show off blesses me to my core. Then there are those that refused to come. They had “plans” or something came up or $25 is too much money to spend on a ticket. Side bar - That $25 did not even cover the Shrimp and Grits we provided along with an entire buffet of wonderful food.

I cannot imagine a greater plan than one that will feed my soul and restore my heart with the Lord and prayers by anointed hands that could bring the healing I've been praying for...oh yeah..we had women there with the gift of healing. Don’t get me wrong I understand plans...things you just can’t get out of...but you know what I mean, choosing the grocery store, amusements parks, laundry... When my relationship with Tom was on the rocks there was absolutely nothing more important that getting myself right with God so God would get my relationship right! We have choices...free will...and those choices have consequences and those that chose to come this weekend received abundant blessings as a consequence.

The blessings didn’t stop at the conference. Everyone on our UNBREAKABLE team felt the overflow in their church services the next day. My church didn’t let out until 2:00 pm and no one cared. The Spirit of God was moving and people were filling the altar faster than we could pray for them. But God!!!! Oh my soul! God! God! God! Continue what You have started!

We aren’t stopping either. We need to catch our breath but our next event is already in the planning stages. Look out devil...we aren’t stopping!!! Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Follow us on Facebook to keep up with what God is doing!

Email - AmySamuelMinistries@gmail.com - and tell us to put you on the list for our next event details. We won't spam you...we promise!



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