Lesson 12 - Dealing w/ Jealousy

20 Years of Ministry and 20 Lessons - Lesson 12 - Dealing w/ Jealousy

The bible clearly states that Christians shouldn’t be jealous. (see Proverbs 14:30) It isn’t good for us. It can literally make us sick on the inside and then it shows on the outside. Yet I have met more than my fair share of jealous Christians over the years. The lesson I learned from meeting the jealous is that they are so miserable on the inside they can’t see passed their green clouded vision to be any good for the Kingdom of God. They need prayer...and lots of it!

When I was first called into ministry I was surrounded by loving caring Christian people. They supported me and I them. We worked together building the Kingdom of God. Then something changed. When God began to elevate me and move me to new levels in ministry I noticed a lack of support. Those that had been by my side were no longer there. It was devastating at times. I thought that my Christian friends, of all people, would be happy for the doors God was opening, the calling on my life was being fulfilled and God was getting the glory. Not everyone looked at it that way. Rumors circled back around to me about what others were saying about me and it hurt. I asked God how could they turn on me like that? He answered me and said that jealousy was a sin just like any other sin and breaking its yolk was hard. He instructed me to pray for them...and this is what happened.

God allowed me to taste the green monster for myself. I was at a point in my ministry where doors were really beginning to open but it was always a struggle. I felt like I was constantly fighting Spiritual Warfare. Then one day someone that I had reached out to for help was now reaching out to me for help. Now this person had really hurt me. They did not help me when I needed it. Despite that fact I agreed to help them. However I must add I only agreed to help out of obligation to God not because I “felt” like it. As their endeavours began to prosper I started to feel jealous. How could this be coming together so easy for them? I had struggled and fought and things were just falling into place for them??? It really didn’t seem fair and my hurt began to grow. I prayed and asked God to show me what was happening. Of course He revealed to me that I was tasting the same jealousy others had tasted when my successes were beginning. He gave me a choice. Was I going to back out and take the same route my frenemies had taken or was I going to push through and be victorious? I took the road less traveled. I pushed passed my jealousy, asked God daily for help and I was blessed for it. The jealousy went away and was replaced with real joy from knowing I had done the right thing and God was pleased. As I continued to press in I also found genuine happiness for my friend’s successes.

Even though it was crazy uncomfortable I know God allowed me to go through this experience so I could relate to others experiencing the same thing. Prayer works! Now, instead of getting angry or upset I immediately go to prayer. People that are quick to get jealous are often suffering with their own insecurities and as Christians we should have a heart to want to pray for them...not kick them while they are down. Trust me...they are already feeling miserable on the inside.

However jealousy is a bondage and not everyone is open to recognizing it and letting it go. If you find yourself dealing with someone like this...let them go...pray for them and move on. Don’t let the enemy keep you from doing what God has called you to do. Once you have put them in God’s hands they are in the best place one can be. - If you are the one experiencing jealousy..recognize it- confess it- give it to God! He will set you free and then and only then will you experience the perfect peace of working with others in the Kingdom instead of being jealous of their victories...because it really isn’t their victory or yours- All the Glory goes to GOD!


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