The Best is Yet to Come
I think I am finally beginning to understand what Paul meant when he said, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:11-13) ~ It has been a tough lesson to go through but I can honestly say “Okay, God I’m good...I get it...let’s move on to the next one...where I’m back at the content with plenty stage”. Haha! Oh..if it only worked that way.
I miss the days of blogging about all of my exciting Joyce Meyer trips where I got to meet her, Matt Redman, had front row seats and I felt like my picture was on God’s refrigerator...ya know where He puts His favorites. But these last few months have been...well let’s just say...did God take my picture down and throw it away??? LOL...I know that isn’t true...I know it has just been a time of learning, prepping and humbling...but it is HARD! We weren’t promised easy though...were we? Nope! We were just promised that He wouldn’t leave us or forsake us. Which is really a BIG deal. However, it may feel like He has, but rest assured He has not. I know this to be true because I know I would not have been able to endure the last 8 months if He had not been right beside me holding my hand every step of the way.
The season of being content when everything is plentiful is easy. Life seems to be going in the right direction and all seems right with the world. lightning things start to change. The real test of our faith comes into play. Will we remain true to God when things aren’t going our way? Will we stay true to our faith, our belief and keep telling others of His goodness when things don’t feel so good? Can we be content when the bills aren’t being paid on time and our world seems to be falling apart around us? We can.
God’s Word is an ever present help in a time of trouble. It is in His Word that we can find contentment during our difficult times. There is a scripture for every season of life. I think we forget that sometimes. We become overwhelmed by life’s circumstances and then we take our eyes off of Jesus and we get sidetracked. But God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He does not change. His Word does not change. I firmly believe that if we keep our eyes on Him then we will keep moving forward, past our mess, past our unpaid bills, past our sicknesses and difficult people and right into His loving arms.
I was riding down the road the other day and I was pouring my heart out to God. In the midst of my sobs I heard Him say “What are you going to do about it?” I answered, “Nothing”. There is absolutely nothing I can physically do to change anything that is happening in my life right now. All I can do is pray and trust God. In that moment, that sweet precious moment, I gave it all to God. I became fully content with my current situation and that I could not do anything about it...But God...Oh but God! He can...and He will do something about it because His Word declares that ALL things work together for the good of those that love Him. It may not be in my timing but I love Him and He knows it! Therefore it will all work out eventually. My job is to just be content in the knowledge that He IS working it out.
So I came to the conclusion that my pic is still on His fridge right next to yours. He loves me. He’s working it all out so His plan can
be fulfilled and I am a part of that plan. So are you. Find contentment in knowing that, and knowing that He loves you so very much and that He will truly never leave don’t walk away from Him right in the middle of your lesson... The best is yet to come!
I miss the days of blogging about all of my exciting Joyce Meyer trips where I got to meet her, Matt Redman, had front row seats and I felt like my picture was on God’s refrigerator...ya know where He puts His favorites. But these last few months have been...well let’s just say...did God take my picture down and throw it away??? LOL...I know that isn’t true...I know it has just been a time of learning, prepping and humbling...but it is HARD! We weren’t promised easy though...were we? Nope! We were just promised that He wouldn’t leave us or forsake us. Which is really a BIG deal. However, it may feel like He has, but rest assured He has not. I know this to be true because I know I would not have been able to endure the last 8 months if He had not been right beside me holding my hand every step of the way.
The season of being content when everything is plentiful is easy. Life seems to be going in the right direction and all seems right with the world. lightning things start to change. The real test of our faith comes into play. Will we remain true to God when things aren’t going our way? Will we stay true to our faith, our belief and keep telling others of His goodness when things don’t feel so good? Can we be content when the bills aren’t being paid on time and our world seems to be falling apart around us? We can.
God’s Word is an ever present help in a time of trouble. It is in His Word that we can find contentment during our difficult times. There is a scripture for every season of life. I think we forget that sometimes. We become overwhelmed by life’s circumstances and then we take our eyes off of Jesus and we get sidetracked. But God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He does not change. His Word does not change. I firmly believe that if we keep our eyes on Him then we will keep moving forward, past our mess, past our unpaid bills, past our sicknesses and difficult people and right into His loving arms.
I was riding down the road the other day and I was pouring my heart out to God. In the midst of my sobs I heard Him say “What are you going to do about it?” I answered, “Nothing”. There is absolutely nothing I can physically do to change anything that is happening in my life right now. All I can do is pray and trust God. In that moment, that sweet precious moment, I gave it all to God. I became fully content with my current situation and that I could not do anything about it...But God...Oh but God! He can...and He will do something about it because His Word declares that ALL things work together for the good of those that love Him. It may not be in my timing but I love Him and He knows it! Therefore it will all work out eventually. My job is to just be content in the knowledge that He IS working it out.

be fulfilled and I am a part of that plan. So are you. Find contentment in knowing that, and knowing that He loves you so very much and that He will truly never leave don’t walk away from Him right in the middle of your lesson... The best is yet to come!
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