Welcome April Lynne Self

I Can Do All Things is excited to welcome aboard a new writer for our blog. After much prayer, and seeking the Lord to lead us to the right person, someone that will help spread the truth of His loving word, we have welcomed April Lynn, into our blogging family. April's writing brings a different flavor to I Can Do All Things, one that we think you will enjoy. 

A little about April Lynne:

April Lynne Self has a passion for knowing, living out and ferreting the Truth.  God drew her at an early age, to know Him, despite growing up in a home that did not believe in God.  She studied on her own for years, but late in life went back to graduate school, to get her MDIV in theology from Liberty University.

She loves people, and has a heart for freeing the hurting soul, from the misery, that the lies of Satan will create.  This comes across in every vocation of hers:  as a high school math and science teacher, a park chaplain, a supervisor in industry settings and now as a grandmother and an "entrepreneur" running a business /ministry off of the James River.

God has gifted her with a teaching Spirit that she hopes comes across not only in word but in deed.

Welcome aboard April Lynne, we know God is going to do great things through you!


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