Challenge to be Kind

I recently posted a challenge on Facebook asking people to post something positive, encouraging or a picture of their “hero”.  I stated that scrolling Facebook had become depressing because of all the fighting over flags and who thinks who is a hero when in fact I am certain that the people debating these things have never actually met the people they were claiming to be or not to be heroes.   I will not even take time to comment on the flag debacle other than this sentence I am now typing.

I also stated that I understand Facebook is a place where we can be free to say what we want and as far as I still know we have the freedom of speech. Has the government taken that way yet? I’m not sure; I can’t keep up. Anyway, with that being said, I love Facebook, I love watching all my friends babies grow up and I love seeing family vacation pictures and engagements and weddings and the positive upbeat posts that pour out as I scroll down page after page while sipping my morning coffee. It just seems like lately everyone has jumped on the hate train, even those who normally post pictures of their kids playing in the mud or a fresh haul from their summer garden. I just felt lead to inspire them to get back to literal muddy laundry and cooking fried green tomatoes.

The response I received was refreshing.  I had posted this video on my way to the gym and when I got out of the gym I eagerly grabbed my phone to see my happy newsfeed. I was so blessed by those who took time out to tag me in pictures of their hero’s, their positive quotes and that some had even shared the video reaching beyond my small circle on Facebook.  As a minister to touch one life is a reward, but when I see more than one touched, encouraged or even better jumping on the happy train it brings tears of joy to my eyes.

I still have hope for our world. I know things seem grim and every time you look around there is a street corner evangelist preaching end times, another murder on the news, babies killing babies and more terrible things than I care to mention,  but the bible tells us that in the end times their will be a GREAT outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a GREAT revival!  That means in the midst of all the terrible things happening in the world, God is still God, and He is such a great and mighty God that He will still be loving us, healing us, waiting patiently for us to turn to Him in our hour of need.  We can still be the church without spot or wrinkle that He is looking for. If God can use me, one person, to post a silly little video and it reaches one more person and that person reaches another person, you see where I am going with this, right; then you have done your part to be a positive light in this world. Don’t leave it up to the news, the celebrities, the pastors and ministers. Do your part. You count, you are important, you are loved and cherished by the King of Kings, and yes someone out there needs to hear what you have to say.

The bible says we were created with a special purpose in mind. Yes, you were created with a very special, specific purpose. God has a plan for your life that was intended solely for you. Isn’t that fascinating? When I think about it, I actually get that soulful kinda shout going on. I feel like I have been given a second chance at life. I want to use that to encourage others. Maybe you can’t do videos, but you can do something. One act of kindness can turn someone’s entire day around and maybe even their life. Try it. I challenge you to be kind.


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