
Showing posts from July, 2022

Dating Chronicles: Guard Your Heart

I never ever thought I'd be writing a post like this! I've been blogging for 8 years and just like most everyone's life... mine has changed drastically during this time. Some good - some bad. Some of you may have had some amazing moments over the last 8 years; maybe your kids graduated high school, college, had babies - maybe you bought your dream home, got the job you've been working hard to get... or maybe on the flip side you've experienced great loss, grief, tragedy and would give anything to go back and do it all over again. Or maybe, like most of us, you've had a mix of these things - extreme highs and extreme lows. Eight years ago I started blogging because I felt deep down in my soul God was telling me to find a new platform to encourage others. I love people. I love making them laugh, feel loved and I love to encourage others to strive every day to be the best they can be. Blogging has been an amazing platform in accomplishing this. It has not only help...

Just Breathe - It'll Be Okay

One of the cool things about my day job is that I get to meet new people every day. I love people and I love good conversation. Without fail, the majority of these conversations end up with my guests sharing their life story with me.  And you know what? They all have something in common. They are all fighting an internal battle that no one knows anything about, unless they choose to share it. I feel like it's safe to assume that you too, my dear reader, are also fighting something... if not right at this moment, perhaps not too long ago... or like most of us, you know a battle is on it's way. You are not alone. For years I fought the internal fight of not feeling good enough and just when I thought I was starting to really find myself and my confidence, my husband of 20 years up and walked out. There I sat, a 20 year identity stolen in a 5 minute conversation. I was left feeling worthless, abandoned and not good enough... all over again.  Daily conversations with my guests at ...

Dating Chronicles: A Few Good Men

Welcome to the Dating Chronicles. If this blog is new to you, welcome... and thank you for joining me on this crazy journey of life. Mixed in between heartfelt posts about serving God, family life and my journey from married to divorced (after 20 years) are some comedic relief posts about my dating journey that I've dubbed the "Dating Chronicles".  Thus far I've only blogged about the "funny" ones and the ones that you just can't make up - but - after several readers have reached out trying to "hook" me up with their definition of a "good" man... hahahaha - I decided it was time to share a blog about some of the good ones. I really have met some kind and wonderful men along the way... unfortunately there just wasn't any chemistry there and for this chic - that is a must! I remember one night in particular where my date picked me up at my house. He insisted on picking me up and coming to the door to get me. He had flowers in hand a...