20 Years 20 Lessons - Lesson 9 - Respect is Earned
Lesson 9 - Respect is earned when given. This is something that I was taught as a young child and it has really stuck with me throughout my life. It was also a lesson that I learned in ministry. We are commanded to love everyone but what about respect? Where does that fall into play? I think the two go hand in hand. The short definition of respect means to regard someone as being worthy of admiration because of good qualities. There are many scriptures that tell us how to be respectful but it is up to us to apply them to our life and live them day to day. Working in ministry for many years I have seen people come and go and one of their biggest complaints when leaving was that they didn’t get the respect they felt like they deserved. Respect is something that is earned and by earned I mean showing others that you respect them by living the word of God before them. In return you will gain their respect. I had a family member that preached respect on the daily for years...