God Sees You

Do you ever feel like you are invisible? Do your good works continually go unnoticed? Do your good intentions get misunderstood and dumped on? Some days I sit and wonder if anyone sees me at all. I know that God does, but honestly, sometimes I don't feel like He does either. I know...not such a great thing to admit when you are working in full time ministry - but then again - I'm human. I'll just be co mpletely honest and let you know that there are some days I get tired of pressing through. I try to always be helpful, mindful, courteous, kind and to do the right thing. So many times my efforts are ignored and dismissed and it leaves me feeling hurt. In those moments I simply feel like giving up. I don’t mean giving up on life I just mean refusing to push through the fog every day as an invisible nobody. Have you ever felt that way? I share this because I want you to know that you are not alone. I am sure that we are alike and like you I wear many hats. Not the cute ones ...