Dating Chronicles: Pick Up Lines & Dating Again

Did I seriously just title a blog post “Dating Again”? This crazy new season of life is coming with changes faster than I can keep up with them. It’s been exactly 569 days since my separation and 82 days since my divorce was final. No, I’m not keeping track...hahahaha… I Googled it! So - it’s been roughly a year and half of singleness and I’ve finally decided to openly blog about it… my heart is telling me NO and my mind is screaming YES - because frankly - some of this stuff is just too funny to keep to myself. Sooooo goodbye to blogs of yesteryear... where I was married, raising a family and actively running a ministry. I've always heard things change in the blink of eye - well... I'm learning this isn't just a saying... it is truth! I'm saying hello to shaving my legs every day (Lord help me), co-parenting and dating... again.... and again.... and again (Seriously... Lord help me). I feel like my favorite scripture still applies... because the Word of God never cha...