We Don't All Have the Same Gifts

Someone recently asked me what would I say to a young woman that had been the victim of Human Trafficking. I’ll be honest… it rattled me. I come across hurting women all the time. I spent many years as a youth leader and associate pastor and all kinds of hurting people have crossed my path… but I never met a women or man for that matter that had been the victim of Human Trafficking. Abused… yes… raped… yes… beat up… yes… and each one has a permanent place in my heart. When I scroll social media and see the evidence of this horrible epidemic in our world, it makes me sick to my stomach. When I see the countless ‘missing’ children posters that flood my Facebook wall - my thoughts immediately go to ‘God please don’t let them be kidnapped and sold into human trafficking’ and then I pray for their safe return - then I click share. What we do and what we say in speaking with these delicate precious children of God is crucial to their recovery. I would never take on a case of...