
Showing posts from November, 2019

Kanye West's 'Jesus is King' is Right on Time

I’m here to take sides. Yep! You heard me. Everyone is talking about this new album of Kanye’s and how it is dividing Christianity and that makes me sick. I am so sick of division. But I get it...I woke up this morning and decided I’m going to take sides too - Jesus’ side. I always thought I was on Jesus’ side but then I thought ‘have I really’? I made an oath to myself about a month ago to be more bold for God but it is turning out to be harder than I thought. Why? I’ll tell ya why...because the voices of those against you can be pretty darn loud. I have to give kudos to Kanye West for pushing past the millions of naysayers and testifying about his new found faith in God. Fist bump - high five - kudos my brother in Christ! I honestly cannot imagine the backlash he is receiving. I know for myself that anytime someone posts something that pricks conviction in someone’s heart and they don’t understand what conviction is they will lash out at you worse than a mama bear protecting ...

Are You 'That' Mom?

Can I just take a moment and be real with you? Having a son away at college is hard! My momstinct goes off on the daily. It’s like I just know he’s testing the boundaries every chance he gets. And our conversations when he comes home have gotten - how do I say - much more adult and worldly. A lot more. We’ve always been open with our kids about everything. As soon as they asked “Where did I come from?” We told them. We’ve talked about drugs, alcohol, smoking, vaping, bullying, politics, suicide, sex, gender or no gender - you name it - we’ve covered it. Most of these conversations occur around the dinner table with the entire family present. Some conversations were a lot more uncomfortable than others, but if they wanted to discuss it and felt comfortable asking us about it then we took the big gulp, sometimes a shot (just kidding) and talked about it. We have always been open and honest and in return our kids have been open and honest with us. Sometimes - too honest - but not really -...