A Week Full of Lessons

I have no words. Okay I have lots of words, but not sure how to put them all down and have them make sense. This has been one crazy week. All I can say is, “Jesus is my everything”. If I had not had my Jesus to call on every single second of every day I would be running away at the moment instead of currently writing down everything that happened this week. Seriously, an impromptu mini vaca at the beach, or even in the mountains, where I could hide and not be found for oh..let’s say...a month! Still sounds nice. Alas, I have to adult. So here is the breakdown of how my week went. Then you can tell me about yours, because the bible says God is not a respecter of persons, so I know I’m not the only one who learned some stuff this week. A new lesson every day, and I learned a lot...I mean A LOT! Some were new, some were reminders, but I’m passing on my wisdom to you, because surely I did not go through this week for naught, or for just me...or did I? Last Saturday I attended a...