Exceedingly & Abundantly

Whenever I am about to go through a specific season in my life, not the ordinary day to day stuff, God prepares me with a specific scripture or song. The song or scripture will start to resonate in my Spirit for about a week or so and then boom, the blessing or the test will follow. He has encouraged me in this way for many years and it has become comforting to me whether it is a blessing or a test, because it is a reminder of how much my God loves me. I remember when my husband was hit by a car, riding his motorcycle, I had been singing “In Christ Alone” for about a month. I could not get that song out of my head. I bought the CD and played it over and over and over again. After his accident, I continued to play it, sing it, embrace its message and I was strengthened daily by it. God used that song to get me through one of the most difficult seasons of my life. This has been happening for so long now, that when a particular song or scripture begins to penetrate my heart, I go...