Did You Know?

With each passing day I see the disease of depression spreading, more people complaining of anxiety, a rise in stress induced health problems and people falling deeper and deeper into poverty. When I look around and see all of this... it grieves my heart. For those that don't know Christ I get it... until you know Him - life can seem hopeless. BUT- to those of us who do know Christ - Wake Up! We have hope! Before you go and get all judgy - let me state my credentials - As a child I was scarred by a tramatic event (I'm still not ready to share it but I'll get there), as a teenager/young adult I suffered a suicidal depression, as a married women I've faced divorce, financial uncertainty and so much more, as a mom I've had to deal with many attacks on my children whether it be rare sicknesses or them being bullied. I've had friends turn thier backs on me and even to this day I am brutally judged by others saying that the ministry I'm involved in is all about...