Day by Day - Rest in the Lord

Day by day... minute by minute... one breath at a time. This has been my New Year's resolution to myself. With the way my life is going, I couldn't imagine committing myself to anything as crazy as losing 20lbs, buying a house, paying off all my debt or even checking off a fun thing on my bucket list. Don't get me wrong - I'm inspired by all of my friends getting up at 5am and hitting the gym, those committed to getting that promotion this year, planning that dream vacation - but for me - waking up, taking a shower and remembering to brush my teeth means I'm living my best life... LOL. Okay... okay... it isn't that bad... but some days it sure does feel like it. To put it simply - I'm tired. I'll save you my laundry list of overwhelming life changing events and let you insert your own. I'm sure you have them... but my confession is this - I'm mentally exhausted. While laying in bed this morning, telling God why I don't want to get up, go to ...