When Tragedy Strikes

When you have to practice what you preach... sometimes you eat your words. About one month ago tragedy struck our home. Tragedies come in all shapes and sizes and affect everyone at some point in their life... or many times throughout our lives. Some of us feel like we can't get through one tornado before another one strikes. Life certainly isn't always easy... but God never promised us easy. He promised us something greater. An eternity with Him. I will not share the specifics of this particular battle our family is facing but you can insert your own experiences and we can empathize with one another as to the heartache the trials of life can bring. For some it's illness, some could be suffering the loss of a loved one, for many it's financial, divorce or an addiction to any number of things and the list goes on. I've never claimed to be a prosperity preacher. I believe in the trials as much as I believe in the blessings. However, I always felt the blessings o...