Dating Chronicles: Turn Offs

Have you ever been on a date and wondered, what am I doing with my life? You sit there and stare across the table at this person that seemed like a somewhat normal human being through your first few texts/calls - even while you progressed to the "let's meet in person stage" you didn't sense any red flags - and now - here you are - sitting across from them in awe (not in a good way) of this person that you thought you knew... but really didn't know and you definitely didn't have a clue of the bad habits that came with them. You replay the day in your head. You were excited that you have a date, you finally get to meet this person, in person, that you've been getting to know - you got all dressed up, brushed your teeth one last time before heading out, hopeful the date would end really well... lol... and now you're sitting across the table, bar, mini golf course from someone that clearly missed the course on date etiquette or even just manners. Where di...