Dating Chronicles: I Found My Man

We all want true love - or what our idea of true love is - and for each of us that probably looks a little different. Some of us romanticize in our minds the fairytale life we've grown up watching in movies. Some of us just imagine it as someone to do day to day life with. I think it's safe to say all of us want to be accepted and loved for who we are... flaws, insecurities and all. I think aside from wealth, love is the most sought after thing on earth. In my book, Don't Give Up, I write a chapter dedicated to being born with a Jesus size hole in our heart, that only He can fill. I still believe that... however, this current season of life has taught me - what I thought I knew - but now I know I know - we will try everything to fill that hole - before we try Jesus. How does this relate to true love? Keep reading. My separation, now divorce, left a hole or should I say crater inside of me that I had no clue was even possible. The emptiness that came from that experience wa...