Dating Chronicles: I Shaved My Legs for this?

Why are men so incapable of communicating their feelings? I'm sorry guys... I really am... but you are not the smarter sex when it comes to relationships. You just aren't. I read ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus', it proves my point... read it - you’ll see. And furthermore your communication level seems to stop somewhere around the 5th grade, you know where you’re chasing the girl you like around the playground but never have the courage to say “I like you”. Women if you are the mother of sons - teach them to communicate what they are thinking AND feeling. I've got 2 sons... I know the struggle is real (sigh) - but we have to try - I digress - Not trying to man bash… but the frustration is real. Ladies - I know you know exactly what I am talking about. Let’s dive in… I was “talking” to this guy… let’s call him Ben. I’ve never dated a Ben… so this should be safe. So Ben and I had been talking for a couple of months. Side bar - the dating lango is exhausting… we h...