Just Be in the Moment

If you are an overthinker like me it is so hard to sit still and just be in the moment. My mind is literally racing all of the time. When someone says something to me… I think about everything it could mean and then follow each one of those scenarios down the rabbit hole to a literal Wonderland….wondering why the heck my brain does this to me? Or if I’m someplace that I should be enjoying and taking in the moment instead of letting it pass me by - first I have to make a conscious effort to ignore the millions of brain waves sitting there like a racehorse waiting for the gun shot to bolt out of the gate. I can feel them wanting to blast off and confuse my already confused self. I believe this is a sum of everything I’ve been through this last year and feeling a tad (okay a lot) of anxiety of what’s to come. I recently went away for a few days… in hopes of clearing my mind. On the way to my destination I was talking with a friend and she suggested that when I got to where I was goin...