I'll Never Be Her Again

I’m sure I don’t even have to ask...I already know the answer - you’ve been there. A life changing event that left you paralyzed for the moment… maybe longer and once recovered you were completely and totally changed forever! That’s my current status. Changed forever. It’s been over a year now since my separation and my divorce papers should be in the mail as I write this… on their way to me - legally obsolving my 20 year marriage. A lifetime. A season of raising 3 amazing children, taking family vacations, laughing, crying and doing life together. Now, I’m doing life - single. Single mom, single woman and just plain single. The separation didn’t only affect my family life - but my career, my social life, the ministry we built, plans for the future...every single aspect of my life has been changed in some way or the other. However, I’m not picking up the pieces and trying to put it back together. Rather I’m leaving them there and using them as building blocks for a new...