100 Bad Days = 100 Good Stories

Have you heard the song 100 Bad Days by AJR? Our family has a collaborative playlist on Spotify and one of my sons added this song to it. A year ago I would have rolled my eyes and removed it...but after this past year...I embraced it. It kind of reminded me of my 2020. There were so many bad days intertwined with good days, however, those bad days sure have made some interesting stories. These are stories that I'm sure most of us have experienced - but in all honesty we are probably too embarrassed to talk about. What I am not ashamed to talk about is God's unconditional love... even on my worst days. I received a letter in the mail today from a family member that I don’t talk to very often. We keep in touch via Facebook but that’s about it. It is impossible for them to know the depths of my soul and the inner workings of my mind. Only God has access there. This letter was as if they did. They spoke to my heart in a way that only occurs when I open the Word of God or have spe...