Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up is the title of my new book. My only book. Ha ha! We all have to start somewhere... right? I'll be honest when I first started writing my story down over four years ago I thought it was just going to be a blog post. Then, I couldn't stop writing. I just kept writing and writing. Before I knew it I had 21 chapters. Not all of them were completely finished but they were substantial. Then writer's block hit and it hit hard. I never thought I would finish my book. In fact the last 2 chapters didn't come to me until after I did something... something the Lord had been telling me to do for a while... but I just couldn't bring myself to do it - well - not until it became very evident that He was not going to allow me to go any further until I did what He was telling me to do. I was seriously at a point of giving up or giving in. I decided to give into God. I'm so glad I did. This 'thing' He was asking me to do was no small thing. It was goin...