Cocktail of Emotions

Have you ever felt angry, sad, guilty, confused and happy all at once? I know I have felt a mix of emotions before, but I’m not sure I’ve ever drank from this particular cocktail until now. It definitely leaves you with a hangover like none other, but Jesus is still in the healing business and I am claiming my thoughts will line up with Him and I can put this cup down. I know that it is not on the same level by any means, but I’m sure you can relate too; when Jesus said “let this cup pass from me”, when He was faced with the cross. We all go through seasons in life that we wish we didn’t have to go through. Sunday after church we brought my grandmother home from a lengthy stay at a rehabilitation center. She has been back and forth from the hospital to rehab since July 1st. It has made our summer challenging to say the least. Our goal has always been to get her back home, but we had no idea what we were going to be facing once we got her here. She has missed our family and her kit...