I Still Love You

You can love me, hate me, like me, dislike me, talk about me, judge me, disagree with me, wish me malice or what have you, but I will not be shaken. I still love you. This is my heart. I have learned that my love for you, has nothing to do with me, but is all about Him. My peace comes from Him. My love comes from Him. I will not be shaken. I will not be moved. I will not be bullied, or scared, I will not cower in fear, or stop loving because you don’t like what I’m doing. I still love you. I have learned that I can do all things through the One who loved me first. I have learned from His example that it is possible to be hated and in return show unconditional love. I have learned that bearing my cross is a journey I will do, assisted only by the One who created my path. I am not alone. I have learned because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, so are you. I have learned I was not the only one He died for, He died for you too. He loves you, I must love you too. I have lear...