A God Moment

For the last couple of years, I have joked with my friends, that I can’t make plans without something supernaturally crazy happening, forcing me to cancel my plans. It is almost scary when I think about it, the times I am dressed and ready to go out, and then I get the call, a loved one is headed to the hospital, a friend has passed away or it could be less serious but still demands my immediate attention, like my kids basketball practice got changed at the last minute, and my husband has to work, so I have to take them, or my car won’t start. It nevers fails though, I put the plan on the calendar, and then boom, something beyond my control happens, and I make the dreaded call or send the unwelcome text, “sorry I can’t make it”. The most recent supernatural occurrence has left me in tears. Not because of what I missed, but of what I would have missed, had I not been obedient to the voice of the Lord. I had made plans, with an old friend, to go see an old friend, that is very ill an...