Walking in God's Favor Part 1

Walking in God’s Favor Part 1 of 2 My mom and I and sometimes a few others take a little vaca every year to attend a Joyce Meyer's Conference. They always seem to come during that time of year when we need a getaway the most. We always plan to arrive a day or 2 before the conference begins so we can relax a little before the action packed weekend begins. And by relax I mean shop. Ladies, I know you feel me. 😉 I almost didn’t go this year. I got sick the weekend before we were supposed to leave. I started feeling ill, my stomach was cramping so bad I just wanted to cry. I prayed, Lord if I am getting sick please let it hit me now so I can still go see Joyce Meyer next weekend. Later that night it hit and it hit hard. I believe God answers our prayers so I don’t know why I didn’t just pray for a miraculous healing. Oh no, the genius that I am, had to pray to go ahead and get sick. There have been a few times I thought God was looking down shaking His head at me, and ...