We Weren't Promised Easy

I've searched the bible over and over again and looked for those sweet verses that would confirm once you become a child of God life is full of answered prayers, physical healing, dried up tears... rainbows and unicorns. I'm sure you can already guess...I failed to find them. What I did find was this - scriptures that contain multiple promises for God's children. I found that nothing is impossible for God or those that believe in Him. But I also found that God is a great big God and that His ways are so much greater than ours - that what He does in the spiritual realm will almost make absolutely no sense to us here in the physical realm - at least until the work has been completed. It's during that time that we can look back in amazement at how it all worked together to bring us to that one ah-ha moment where we finally "get it". So as I continue to walk through this uncertain season in my life I cling to the promises of God. I have embraced the fact that we w...