I Love My Boobs

Did that title get your attention? Haha! Well I say it with the most sincerest of attitudes… I love my boobs… and here is why. Several years ago during my annual gynecological visit my doctor found a knot in my left breast. The office quickly scheduled a mammogram and within a week I got the news I needed to come in for a biopsy. I think I blogged about it then… can’t really remember… but I remember feeling so scared. The thought of leaving my husband and children behind at such a young point in our family’s life saddened me to my core. I know thinking that way was premature but you know how our minds work… we ride the thought train all the way to the absolute worst scenario. And I did. It ended up being benign and life presumed as normal. Well normal for me has taken on a different definition lately. I’ve been busy, overwhelmed and distracted all at the same time. My yearly mammogram visit crept up on me but I didn’t have a care in the world. They’ve been fine and clear for yea...