How Long are You Willing to Wait for Your Dreams to Come True?

Have you ever given up on a dream and then regretted it tremendously? Have you ever been up for a promotion at work and because they kept putting you off you just quit and started over some place else? Have you given up on a marriage you really wanted to work? Do you have a prodigal son or daughter that you feel will never return home? How long do we wait for the outcome we so desperately want? What do we do while we are waiting? How do we know if our dreams will ever really come true? Wow! I wish I had the answers to some of these questions. My life would have gone a lot differently if I had. What is that old saying… “better late than never”. I must agree. Wouldn’t you rather win the lottery at some point in your life than never win at all? Well, this isn’t about the lottery but I do have a testimony to share that I pray brings you some encouragement. About 15 years ago when I was about six years into my walk with God I had a random minister prophecy television ministry over me. It ...