Why Am I Going Through This?

Do you ever feel like you are doing everything you can and nothing seems to be falling into place? You work hard but there never seems to be enough money. You try to manage your time wisely but there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. You try to eat healthy but the drive thru is so much faster. I feel you. I have struggled with all of these things myself. I miss the commercial from back in the day that said, “Calgon take me away”. Sometimes I just want to get away and I do sometimes. However, I have found that getting away doesn’t make the issues of my life go away. I have also found that sometimes no matter how much scripture I read in a day, my problems don’t miraculously go away either. Sometimes we just have to go through. How depressing does that sound? I remember reading a book to my children when they were little. It was the story of a mama bear and her cub and they were on an adventure. Along the way they came up against some obstacles that they could not...