Goodbye Henrietta

Goodbye Henrietta- I don’t believe in jinxing but I have to say what recently happened is very odd. In my last post about my chickens I stated that they are good girls and we don’t have too much drama to report. That was until the feather fiasco. Even after Freda lost her body weight in feathers all was good in the hen house. That changed one week ago today. My sweet Henrietta died from a heat stroke. It was another crazy day at the Samuel house. Crazy is our normal. My boys had sleepovers the night before and I was frantically cleaning the house from the sleepover (they were helping), my daughter was hiding in her room while I yelled come put your laundry away and the dogs were napping; I was packing my 83 year old grandmother a suitcase because she was going to stay with her nephew for a few days (and she had only packed 5 pairs of pajamas and 2 shirts), good thing I checked behind her (I cannot even go there right now, but really there should have been a camera on my fac...