Change Your Thoughts

I was starting to have one of those days where nothing seemed to be going right. I woke up after over sleeping and I felt like I had not slept at all, I had a splitting headache and my oldest son overslept too causing him to miss the bus. I woke up my husband (which I hate to do since he does nights with the kids and I do mornings) so he could drive our son to school. He did. The morning continued with getting my middle son and baby girl up and ready for school. My headache increasingly getting worse and my growing thoughts of the day’s activities were contributing to the increased blood flow to my brain causing a deeper ache in my already pounding head. I have lists, lists and more lists of things that need to be done, things that have not gotten done from the day before and things that need to be done before the end of the week. If these lists are not enough to consume my already full brain I decided to ride the thought train all the way to Depressed Ville. I ...